How to Cope with Dental Anxiety
How to Cope with Dental Anxiety

As much as we at NK Family Dental pride ourselves on providing a tranquil environment and friendly, compassionate care for every patient, we know that a visit to the dentist isn’t necessarily your ideal way to spend a day. But some people have feelings of dread and fear that go far beyond the feeling you’d…

What You Need to Know About Pocket Reduction Surgery
What You Need to Know About Pocket Reduction Surgery

If you are being treated for periodontal (gum) disease, your periodontist may recommend pocket reduction surgery. It’s human nature to become anxious when the word “surgery” comes up, but this type of oral surgery is a very common, proven procedure that typically has a successful outcome. Why Your Periodontist May Recommend Pocket Reduction Surgery Healthy…

What is Scaling and Root Planing?
What is Scaling and Root Planing?

Because you’re taking the time to read this blog post on the NK Family Dental blog, we assume you care about your oral health. If we’re right (as we hope we are), you schedule a dental check-up and cleaning at regular six-month intervals. Under typical circumstances, the professional cleaning procedure you’re accustomed to will go…

What You Need to Know About Dental Inlays and Onlays
What You Need to Know About Dental Inlays and Onlays

When it comes to treating cavities, most people immediately think of a dental filling. However, there are some situations that need more than a traditional filling. Depending upon the extent of decay in a tooth, your dentist may recommend a dental inlay or onlay as the optimum restoration. Understanding the differences between the two —…

Should You Brush Your Tongue?
Should You Brush Your Tongue?

While brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing them at least once is accepted as common basic oral hygiene practice, is it also necessary to direct your toothbrush to your tongue? After all, it’s right there, and you’re in the neighborhood! At the very least, it will help freshen your breath even…

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Invisalign® revolutionized orthodontic treatment with its introduction in 1999. Many orthodontic patients were freed from the inconvenience and discomfort of traditional bracket-and-wire braces — not to mention their unaesthetic appearance. For adults wanting to improve the alignment of their teeth, wearing braces seemed especially awkward, as they were associated with teenagers. And in today’s social…

Dealing with Dental Anxiety
Dealing with Dental Anxiety

“We cater to cowards” is a common tagline that some dental practices use in their advertising to reassure those who have dental anxiety that their dentist treats such patients with compassion and understanding. However easily recognized that tagline may be, our NK Family Dental team knows that “coward” isn’t a good word. There is nothing…

What is Edentulism?

We all experienced tooth loss when we were children. It’s easy to remember the initial shock and feeling of that first wiggly tooth, the days of waiting for it to fall out, and the excitement of receiving money from the Tooth Fairy. While losing teeth in childhood wasn’t scary, the same isn’t true when it…

Diabetes and Oral Health

If you are among the more than 37 million Americans living with diabetes, you already know the risk for medical complications in such areas as your heart, kidneys, eyes and skin. But did you also know that diabetes can affect your oral health? According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes and oral health complications are…

How to Instill Good Oral Hygiene Habits in Your Child
How to Instill Good Oral Hygiene Habits in Your Child

Parents have a great deal of responsibility in teaching their children the values and behaviors they’ll need to become responsible adults themselves. Although it may not immediately come to mind, instilling good oral hygiene habits in your child is a process that’s essential to establishing good oral health for a lifetime! Knowing the right time…

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