How Can You Tell If It’s A Dental Emergency?
How Can You Tell If It’s A Dental Emergency?

There is never a good time for a dental emergency, but holidays seem to be the worst — especially this year when many of us feel more comfortable attending family and social gatherings and enjoying seasonal activities. However, pent-up demand for fun can increase the risk for cracking or chipping a tooth on foods such…

How to Prepare for a Dental Emergency
How to Prepare for a Dental Emergency

While there’s no way to anticipate when or how a dental emergency will happen, there are thankfully many ways you can be prepared to get a quick handle on the situation. Knowing the steps to take and having the right resources at your disposal can help minimize the effects and severity of a dental emergency….

NK Dental Emergency
What to Do in Case of a Dental Emergency

Accidents and injuries happen, and that’s something we can’t always control. What we can control, however, is how prepared we are in case they do occur. This is especially true for dental emergencies. Knowing what counts as a dental emergency and how to seek emergency dental care will greatly improve your recovery and help decrease…

A woman holding her check, red circles pulsing out representing pain
What Exactly Is a Dental Emergency?

NK Family Dental’s top priorities are the health and safety of our patients. We want you to know that we are here for you during these challenging times, and are proud to be a member of our strong Chicago community. With that, we want to focus on dental emergencies in order to educate you about…

A Broken Tooth on a stretcher
How to Know if it’s a Dental Emergency

Unfortunately, good oral hygiene is not sufficient to keep the potential for dental emergencies at bay. Because everyone is susceptible to experiencing a dental emergency, it’s important to know your plan of action. Not all dental pain may necessitate an emergency visit, so here is a basic guide to help you determine when you should…