
What Causes Swollen Gums?
What Causes Swollen Gums?

Your regular tooth brushing routine could reveal an unpleasant surprise if you notice that your gums look somewhat puffy and more red than usual. As most people don’t want to consider a serious condition as the cause, you may be inclined to wait and see what happens, hoping your gums will return to normal within…

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Invisalign® revolutionized orthodontic treatment with its introduction in 1999. Many orthodontic patients were freed from the inconvenience and discomfort of traditional bracket-and-wire braces — not to mention their unaesthetic appearance. For adults wanting to improve the alignment of their teeth, wearing braces seemed especially awkward, as they were associated with teenagers. And in today’s social…

How to Help Your Teething Baby
How to Help Your Teething Baby

Is your teething baby irritable during the day and sleepless at night — keeping you awake, as well? Unfortunately, teething is a milestone in an infant’s development that involves pain and discomfort. As a new parent, you want to make this process as comfortable as possible. Whether your baby is currently teething — or you…

Why You May Need a Dental Bridge
Why You May Need a Dental Bridge

If you are missing a tooth — or your dentist tells you that one of your teeth needs to be extracted — you will most likely have one of two options for replacing it: an implant, or a dental bridge. As our blog post — “All About Dental Bridges” — covers, your dentist will typically…

What You Need to Know About Bruxism
What You Need to Know About Bruxism

When you’re doing something that’s detrimental to your health, you’re typically aware of your actions (or lack thereof), and — hopefully — become motivated to change your behavior. But when it’s something you’re doing unconsciously, becoming aware of your action and taking steps to overcome it is far more challenging. Such is the case if…

More Common Dental Health Myths
More Common Dental Health Myths

Just as there are many myths about general health practices — for example, you really don’t need to wait an hour after eating before going for a swim — myths concerning dental health are unfortunately abundant. So abundant, in fact, that we’re providing this follow-up to our blog post — “Common Dental Health Myths” —…

What You Need to Know About Crowns
What You Need to Know About Crowns

Dental crowns are a popular solution to restore teeth that are damaged or have undergone a root canal — as well as a durable, long-term cosmetic restoration for teeth that are permanently discolored and/or irregularly shaped or spaced. Whether you need only one crown, or are considering a smile makeover, knowing why your dentist may…

How Your Smile Can Make You Look Younger
How Your Smile Can Make You Look Younger

Do you want to look younger? The more birthdays you celebrate, the more of a disconnect you may notice between the person you see in the mirror, and how you still see yourself. There are many well-promoted ways to turn back the clock — including cosmetic surgery, injectable dermal fillers, Botox®, skincare serums, hair coloring…

What You Need to Know About Tooth Sensitivity
What You Need to Know About Tooth Sensitivity

Do your teeth hurt when you consume foods or liquids that are cold, hot, sweet or sour? Does brushing and flossing cause a sharp pain? If so, you most likely have dentin hypersensitivity – which is commonly known as sensitive teeth. This is an especially frustrating condition that limits the types of foods and drinks…

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