
Implants or Dentures? Which is Right for You?
Implants or Dentures? Which is Right for You?

The quest to restore missing teeth is almost as old as history itself. Archeological excavations have unearthed dentures dating back to 700 BCE, when the Etruscans created crude initial forms of dentures using ivory as a base, into which animal and human teeth were fastened. In fact, despite the persistent myth that George Washington had…

Diabetes and Oral Health

If you are among the more than 37 million Americans living with diabetes, you already know the risk for medical complications in such areas as your heart, kidneys, eyes and skin. But did you also know that diabetes can affect your oral health? According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes and oral health complications are…

How to Instill Good Oral Hygiene Habits in Your Child
How to Instill Good Oral Hygiene Habits in Your Child

Parents have a great deal of responsibility in teaching their children the values and behaviors they’ll need to become responsible adults themselves. Although it may not immediately come to mind, instilling good oral hygiene habits in your child is a process that’s essential to establishing good oral health for a lifetime! Knowing the right time…

How to Care for Your Teeth During the Holiday Season
How to Care for Your Teeth During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is here! Actually, it seems the season becomes longer every year, with Christmas décor decking the halls of stores starting in September. From October through December, candy, treats, holiday meals and party foods (and adult beverages) are in abundant supply, all tempting us to not only overindulge, but to neglect our oral…

Signs of Dental Anxiety and How To Control Them
Signs of Dental Anxiety and How To Control Them

It’s not uncommon to avoid situations that cause you feelings of stress and anxiety. When faced with two options, we choose the one that seems safer or easier. However, a fear of the dentist can have a lasting negative effect on your oral health and overall health if you don’t schedule appointments for regular check-ups…

What You Need to Know About Tooth Decay
What You Need to Know About Tooth Decay

It’s safe to say that tooth decay is the most common oral health issue in the United States. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), 92% of adults ages 20 to 64 have had dental caries (tooth decay) in their permanent teeth. But while tooth decay is widespread, it shouldn’t be…

What To Know About Night Guards
What To Know About Night Guards

The health benefits of a good night’s sleep are becoming increasingly well known. The more that scientific research reveals about the importance of deep, restorative sleep, the more we do to try to achieve it — from investing in high-quality mattresses and supportive pillows to practicing “sleep hygiene,” which includes saying good-night to the smartphone…

What is Pediatric Dentistry?
What is Pediatric Dentistry?

As a parent, you know that children aren’t small-scale adults. Just as they need a pediatric doctor who focuses on their health, they also need a dentist who has the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood. Choosing a pediatric dentist will help give…

Tooth Anatomy 101
Tooth Anatomy 101

We all have teeth, but what do we really know about them? Most people mainly pay attention to their appearance and their health. Yet beyond that, those who are outside the dental profession are probably unaware of the anatomy, structure, and tissues that comprise our teeth. Although we see the outer surface of our teeth,…

What is a Smile Makeover and is it Right for You?
What is a Smile Makeover and is it Right for You?

Having a beautiful smile is a powerful boost to self-confidence — and can open doors in many aspects of your life! But the bright, perfect “movie star” smile that’s so desirable can’t always be achieved by best oral health practices alone. Fortunately, a smile makeover is designed to give you what nature didn’t — or…

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